Source code for nextion.nextion_rtc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-


Functions to interact with Nextion RTC

# system packages
from time import sleep

# custom packages
from .common import Common
from .typing import List, Optional, Union

[docs]class NexRtcError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" pass
[docs]class NexRtc(Common): """docstring for NexRtc""" def __init__(self, nh) -> None: """ Init RTC :param nh: The Nextion hardware interface object :type nh: NexHardware """ super().__init__(nh, pid=-1, cid=-1, name="rtc") self._time_types = ["year", "mon", "day", "hour", "min", "sec", "week"] @property def time_types(self) -> List[str]: """ Get available time types :returns: Requestable time types from RTC :rtype: List[str] """ return self._time_types
[docs] def write_rtc_time(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Write time to RTC :param time: The time to set the RTC :type time: Union[str, List[int]] :param time_type: The type of time to change :type time_type: str :returns: True on success, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if (len(args) + len(kwargs) == 1): # only a time is given if len(args): time = args[0] else: time = kwargs["time"] if isinstance(time, str) and len(time) >= 19: # "2016,11,25,12,34,50" year = time[0:4] month = time[5:7] day = time[8:10] hour = time[11:13] minute = time[14:16] second = time[17:19] elif (isinstance(time, list) and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in time)): # [2016, 11, 25, 12, 34, 50] year = time[0] month = time[1] day = time[2] hour = time[3] minute = time[4] second = time[5] else: raise NexRtcError("Time can either be given as '{}' or '{}'". format("2016,11,25,12,34,50", [2016, 11, 25, 12, 34, 50])) self._nh._logger.debug( "Timestamp (ISO8601): {}-{}-{}T{}:{}:{}".format( year, month, day, hour, minute, second)) cmd = "rtc0={}".format(year) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) self._nh.recvRetCommandFinished() cmd = "rtc1={}".format(month) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) self._nh.recvRetCommandFinished() cmd = "rtc2={}".format(day) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) self._nh.recvRetCommandFinished() cmd = "rtc3={}".format(hour) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) self._nh.recvRetCommandFinished() cmd = "rtc4={}".format(minute) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) self._nh.recvRetCommandFinished() cmd = "rtc5={}".format(second) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) return self._nh.recvRetCommandFinished() elif (len(args) + len(kwargs) == 2): # time_type is given as well if len(kwargs) == 2: time_type = kwargs['time_type'] time = kwargs['time'] else: if len(args) == 2: time_type = args[0] time = args[1] else: raise NexRtcError("Either use keyword or positional args") self._nh._logger.debug("Set '{}' to '{}'".format(time_type, time)) rtc_index = self.time_types.index(time_type.lower()) cmd = "rtc{}={}".format(rtc_index, time) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) return self._nh.recvRetCommandFinished() else: raise NexRtcError("Only two args are allowed")
[docs] def read_rtc_time(self, return_type: str, length: Optional[int] = 22) -> Union[str, List[int]]: """ Read RTC time :param return_type: The return type, choose "int", "str" or from ["year", "mon", "day", "hour", "min", "sec", "week"] :type return_type: str :param length: The length :type length: Optional[int] :returns: RTC time :rtype: Union[str, List[int]] """ return_type = return_type.lower() if return_type in ["str", "int"]: cmd = "get rtc0" self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise year = self._nh.recvRetNumber() cmd = "get rtc1" self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise month = self._nh.recvRetNumber() cmd = "get rtc2" self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise day = self._nh.recvRetNumber() cmd = "get rtc3" self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise hour = self._nh.recvRetNumber() cmd = "get rtc4" self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise minute = self._nh.recvRetNumber() cmd = "get rtc5" self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise second = self._nh.recvRetNumber() cmd = "get rtc6" self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise week = self._nh.recvRetNumber() time_buf = [year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week] if return_type == "str": time_string = ("{}/{}/{} {}:{}:{} {}". format(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week)) if length >= 22: return time_string else: return time_string[0:length] elif return_type == "int": if length >= 7: return time_buf else: return time_buf[0:length] elif return_type in self.time_types: rtc_index = self.time_types.index(return_type) cmd = "get rtc{}".format(rtc_index) self._nh.sendCommand(cmd) sleep(0.1) # necessary, data might not be available otherwise return self._nh.recvRetNumber() else: raise NexRtcError("RTC time can only be returned as '{}' or '{}'" "or chosen from {}". format("str", "int", self.time_types))